9 Plants That Help Banish Ticks and Fleas

9 Plants That Help Banish Ticks and Fleas

Ticks and fleas can cause many health problems, and if you have pets at home, this can be an even bigger concern. Not all tick and flea repellents in the market are safe to use around pets and human beings. Some of them are loaded with chemicals, and some can be harmful when inhaled. This is why you should know about plants that keep these pesky insects away. Plants that keep ticks and fleas away 1. Catnip This is one of the safest choices for keeping ticks and fleas away in homes with pets. It is alright if your cat or dog takes a small nibble of these leaves, but the plant is strong enough to repel fleas and ticks. 2. Garlic It is a versatile insect repellent that works not just against fleas and ticks but also mosquitoes and lizards. You also get to grow a flavorful ingredient to spruce up your recipes. 3. Chamomile Chamomile tea is one of the most relaxing beverages for a stressful day. The plant itself has numerous benefits, and repelling these tiny insects is one among them. If your pet is infested with fleas or ticks, you can also use chamomile for external application on the pet’s fur.
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10 Popular Cocktails for Any Party

10 Popular Cocktails for Any Party

Cocktails are a must-have at any party. Even those who don’t drink much enjoy a glass or two of cocktails for the flavor and taste. Unlike what people assume, cocktails are not complicated drinks. You can make these easily at home with a few basic ingredients. 1. White lady If you want to serve something fancy, the white bird is perfect. Mix equal quantities of gin and Cointreau, and add a dash of lime juice to the mix. Some people add some egg white to the mix and serve the drink fresh. You can avoid the egg white if you don’t like the taste of the same. 2. Cosmopolitan Who does not like a fresh and chilled glass of cosmopolitan? This is also an easy drink made using vodka, triple sec, and lemon juice. Fresh cranberry juice completes the drink. 3. Mojito Mojito is one of the most loved cocktails for summer and beach parties. Traditionally, this is made with five ingredients – white rum, soda water, lemon juice, sugar, and fresh mint leaves. You can add fruit juices of your choice to create variations. Mojito has to be served super chilled and with mint and lemon wedge toppings. 4.
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Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips for Prostate Cancer Prevention

Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips for Prostate Cancer Prevention

Cancer that affects the prostate gland, the organ located near the bladder and produces semen, is the second most common cancer in the United States. Men are at a higher risk of developing this type of cancer as they age, as most cases are diagnosed in those over 65. Following a few nutrition and other tips could help to prevent prostate cancer. Here are a few for you to consider. 1. Eat more vegetables We all know that vegetables are powerhouses of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients required by the body to function properly and keep various health issues at bay. The nutrients found in vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, can also reduce your risk of prostate cancer. These vegetables contain compounds that can break down cancer-causing substances known as carcinogens. 2. Consume more fruits Watermelon and other fruits that have bright colors contain lycopene which is a potent antioxidant. Although research and studies are ongoing, it has been hinted that lycopene can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. This nutrient is also found in tomatoes. A study conducted in 2018 in Spain found that the body can absorb lycopene better from cooked tomatoes. It should be noted that the redder the tomato, the higher the amount of lycopene in it.
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4 U.S. Cities With the Worst Seasonal Allergy Rates

4 U.S. Cities With the Worst Seasonal Allergy Rates

The Asthma and Allergies Foundation of America ranks the country’s cities every year on the basis of how difficult they are to live in for people with asthma and allergies. The ranking is done by keeping tabs on the pollen count found in the city, allergy medication prescriptions, and the availability of medical professionals to treat the allergies in the area. Here’s a list of the cities in the country with the worst asthma and allergies caused by seasonal changes. 1. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma The largest city in Oklahoma state, this city experiences some of the worst seasonal allergies. The city does see the winter season. However, it does not stay for a long duration and is comparatively mild. Hence, the pollination of trees starts as early as February. The city is also situated on a flat terrain which leads to dry and windy conditions. The after-winter season experiences wind coming from the South which can spread allergens across the city. 2. McAllen, Texas McAllen is a southern city in Texas and is located near the Gulf of Mexico. The warm climate of the city gives the plantation a longer season to grow. Also, the rainfall in the city is below average.
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6 Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Excess Sweat and Body Odor

6 Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Excess Sweat and Body Odor

Excessive sweating and body odor can take place when you are exercising or when your environment is too hot. It is also often associated with being too anxious or nervous. However, when a person tends to experience excessive sweating for no reason, it can be considered hyperhidrosis. Likewise, changes in body odor can also be a health problem. Here are some lifestyle tips to prevent heavy sweating and body odor. 1. Use an antiperspirant Antiperspirants are topical substances with metals such as zinc and aluminum. They block sweat gland pores, stopping the body from heavy sweating. These are not the same as deodorant, as the latter only covers body odor. Commonly, antiperspirants are used on the underarms, but people with hyperhidrosis can also use them on other areas like the face, hands, and feet. Most antiperspirants are easily available over the counter, while stronger ones are only available on prescription. 2. Use antibacterial soap Cleansing yourself thoroughly with antibacterial soap will keep bacteria away, helping you get rid of body odor. If you tend to sweat excessively and have body odor, consider buying an antibacterial soap. 3. Remove unwanted body hair Unwanted body hair should be removed to manage heavy sweating as well as body odor.
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6 Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

6 Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking

A person may be smoking for five days, five weeks, five months, or five years, but it’s never too late to stop. The body will benefit regardless of when one decides to leave the habit. Still, the sooner an individual quits smoking, the higher are the chances of keeping diseases like cancer at bay. In this article, we’ll address the different health benefits of quitting smoking. Let’s get started and address them one by one. 1. Blood pressure and heart rate normalize Within 30 minutes of smoking cessation, blood pressure and heart rate return to normal levels. It’s good because high blood pressure can be a silent killer. It can have devastating impacts, often without symptoms, such as a stroke, heart attack, vision loss, and other problems. A high pulse rate also puts pressure on the heart, resulting in breathing issues, chest pain, dizziness, and tiredness. One can quit smoking to prevent such problems. 2. Breathing gets easier In just eight hours of quitting, the body’s oxygen levels return to normal. Consequently, lung function improves. And when the lungs heal, individuals are unlikely to feel breathless. Moreover, one tends to cough less. In the coming months and weeks, the respiratory tract heals.
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4 Styling Tips for Formal Occasions

4 Styling Tips for Formal Occasions

Weddings, job interviews, fun day out with friends, barbecue, bridal shower, and every other significant event have one thing in common – deciding what to wear. Unfortunately, with numerous options, it often gets difficult to make a clear choice. To help you, here are the perfect dress styles for different events. 1. Wedding Weddings for men are simple. It will either be a white-tie or a black-tie event, unless, of course, the bride and the groom decide to have a different theme for their wedding. So, you can wear a tuxedo or a suit. A dark suit with party shoes works well but pick colors that suit the season and the wedding. However, for women, it can be tricky. You have to look good, but you have to keep it subtle enough to not overshadow the bride. The rule is simple – do not touch your white dresses. However, you can still pick the best gowns in your closet. A floor-length gown is one of the perfect dress styles for weddings. You can also pick a gorgeous knee-length dress and accessorize your dress as per the event’s theme. 2. Religious ceremony If you are going to any religious ceremony, bar mitzvah, or baptism, you can pick a suit with feminine accents and underpinnings or a daytime dress in subtle floral prints.
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The 10 Worst U.S. Cities for Skin Health

The 10 Worst U.S. Cities for Skin Health

Skin health and pollution in your city are also directly related. Poor air quality means poor skin health. Although controlling the quality of outdoor air is not possible, you can take measures to control air quality indoors when you know that the city pollution is damaging your skin. So, if you live in any of these ten cities, skin health and pollution should be one of your top concerns. 1. Las Vegas, Nevada About one-fifth of the residents of Las Vegas have a habit of smoking. This is among the highest numbers of smokers all over the U.S. Thus, the health of the skin among the city residents is often compromised. In addition to many smokers, the city is located 2030 ft above sea level and has a desert climate. 2. Phoenix, Arizona The city experiences strong sunshine for the maximum part of the year and has fewer dermatologists available per capita. Moreover, Phoenix also experiences high ozone days for a long duration. 3. Sacramento, California Sacramento receives sunshine in abundance and has a population of runners, boaters, and cyclists who are not found using proper sunblock. The city also experiences a significant number of high ozone days. 4. Fresno, California The city’s poor air quality and high ozone days make Fresno one of the worst cities for skin health.
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5 Toxic Houseplants For Cats

5 Toxic Houseplants For Cats

Cats are adorable pets and a great addition to any family. However, felines have sensitive respiratory and digestive systems that are easily irritated by certain plants. Toxic houseplants can cause cats to experience heart palpitations, stomach problems, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and seizures. As a result, it’s important to know what kind of plants you should avoid bringing home if you own a cat. Read on to learn about five houseplants that are toxic to cats to ensure your furry friend stays safe: 1. Spider plant Spider plants are a very popular choice for houseplants because they’re relatively easy to care for. These plants have long, slender leaves that grow from the main stems of its plant. The spider plant is edible for humans and can be used like aloe vera in some recipes. However, it causes breathing problems in cats if eaten or chewed. If your cat chews on a spider plant, it can cause vomiting, so keep these plants out of reach if you have a curious feline around. 2. Peace lilies Peace lilies are a popular choice for houseplants because they grow flowers that look like white calla lilies. Unfortunately, this plant contains a chemical called calcium oxalate, which can be poisonous to cats.
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U.S. Cities With the Highest Rates of Lung Cancer

U.S. Cities With the Highest Rates of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most common types of disease in the U.S., with a five year survival rate of just over 18 percent. In contrast, prostate cancer has a five year survival rate of over 98 percent. Lung cancer is caused by abnormal cells in either lung that are growing out of control. There are two types of lung cancer, small cell and non-small cell. While smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke and radon gas are the leading risk factors for lung cancer development, certain environmental factors (i.e., inhaling toxic chemicals, air quality, etc.) can contribute to lung cancer symptoms. The following U.S. cities have the highest rates of lung cancer for these reasons: 1. St. Petersburg, Florida Living in the sunshine state of Florida is the dream for many people. However, St. Petersburg is one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. for cancer patients. The high rate of skin cancer and the aging population of St. Petersburg makes the city a perfect location for lung cancer. Additionally, a history of smoking among a population of retirees aged between 55 and 74 adds to the number of lung cancer patients passing through the city’s medical centers.
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