5 Worst U.S. States to Live in With Arthritis
Arthritis is a prevalent medical concern in the United States, with one in every four American adults diagnosed with arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting 27 million adults in the U.S., while rheumatoid arthritis affects 1.3 million. If you suffer from arthritis, it can make daily activities a lot more difficult, especially as the disease progresses. Symptoms can be worsened by unhealthy lifestyle habits or external factors like a lack of treatment options or even weather. Here are the five worst U.S. states to live in with arthritis: 1. Tennessee This state is known for its notoriously high humidity and hot summers, which can be quite taxing on those with arthritis. As one of the states that has seen exponential growth in its elderly population Tennessee is ranked as having the highest rate of arthritis. In addition to this, it also ranks as being third worst for adult obesity, which also contributes to arthritis levels. The state also has a low percentage of those who have health insurance coverage, so those suffering from this chronic condition may not be able to afford treatment options or medications. 2. West Virginia The state is ranked at number 2 among states where arthritis patients have it particularly hard.
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