The Most Innovative Autonomous Vehicles by Brand

The Most Innovative Autonomous Vehicles by Brand

At one point in history, autonomous cars were nothing more than science fiction. However, now everyone is expecting their arrival in the very near future. An autonomous or self-driving car has the capability to carry its passengers to and from predetermined destinations, without the need of a driver. The benefits of a fully autonomous vehicle are many, and there are multiple companies in the race to produce a fully self-driving car.

Here are the top companies who are developing a commercially available autonomous car:

1. Waymo

This company is vying to be among the top autonomous car companies. They have been researching and testing self-driving technology since 2009. Waymo was actually created by the tech giant Google, and their self-driving vehicle project was formerly known as the Google Autonomous Automobile Project. They aim to make autonomous vehicles that appeal to any consumer. Waymo teamed up with Jaguar/Land Rover in 2019 to collaborate on bringing the world a fully autonomous electric car. Their autonomous technology has been tested over millions of miles of driving throughout the U.S.

2. Tesla

Tesla is often considered the top dog when it comes to both autonomous and electric vehicles. Their technology is some of the most accurate and reliable, with constant upgrades and improvements being added. In 2015, Tesla’s Autopilot was released on the market and the race to be the best self-driving vehicle began. The operating instructions still require you to keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times, in case of an emergency. Autopilot is updated quite frequently, so new Tesla vehicles always have the most modern version.

3. Volvo

In the fall of 2018, Volvo revealed that they were developing concepts for autonomous vehicles. Being known as one of the safest automotive companies in the world, many people are willing to trust Volvo’s technology. In order to keep their autonomous vehicles as safe as possible, Volvo developed an electric autonomous car concept that uses speakers to generate sounds outside the car for the safety of pedestrians.

4. Voyage

Founded back in 2017 in San Francisco, California, Voyage looks to aid the senior community by providing autonomous vehicles to senior citizens. Not only do they want to develop self-driving cars, but they also want to impact the community in a positive way. They plan to do this by creating networks of self-driving cars in senior communities, giving seniors access to places they previously had to depend on others for. This will also make it safer for other drivers on the road.


This company is just starting out, but it has already shown itself to be a leader in the industry. sells some of the best Artificial Intelligence-based tools for revolutionizing the self-driving experience. They assure customers that their self-driving smart cars are safe, cost-effective, and efficient. The AI technology that uses allows its cars to navigate through complex cities with ease, even around pedestrians and cyclists. The company believes that practical engineering is the best approach to bring the first class of fully autonomous vehicles to showrooms around the world.