4 Foods To Strictly Avoid With Diabetes

4 Foods To Strictly Avoid With Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. It primarily manifests in two forms: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder where the pancreas fails to produce insulin, a crucial hormone for utilizing glucose as energy. Conversely, type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the body’s response to insulin is impaired, leading to high blood sugar levels.

The typical symptoms of diabetes are intense thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. To manage diabetes, various treatments are employed, such as medication, insulin therapy, and dietary modifications. For type 2 diabetes, common medications include Metformin, which decreases glucose production in the liver, and empagliflozin, which helps the kidneys remove glucose from the bloodstream. Additionally, individuals with diabetes should be mindful of their diet, avoiding certain foods that can exacerbate their condition, such as the following:

1. Honey or maple syrup

Honey and maple syrup are considered natural sweeteners because they contain fructose, which is a simple sugar. Since the body breaks down all sugars in similar ways, it doesn’t matter whether you consume glucose or fructose, since both will raise blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar levels rise, the body releases insulin to aid in the uptake of glucose. Insulin and fructose have a special bond, so too much sugar means more insulin is secreted than necessary. This leads to excessively low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), which can cause shakiness, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, drowsiness, weakness, hunger pangs, irritability, headaches or heart palpitations. Eating honey or maple syrup for diabetics should be avoided.

2. Dried fruits

These are high in natural sugar and should be avoided by people with diabetes. The dried fruit’s sweetness comes from the concentrated fructose, sucrose, and glucose. When these sugars are digested, they raise blood sugar levels. Although dried fruit does contain fiber, for those with diabetes the benefits of fiber are outweighed by the high sugar content of dried fruits. Avoid dried fruits and stick to fresh fruit instead.

3. White bread and pasta

Refined carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to spike faster than the body can process. This means that your body cannot effectively break down refined carbohydrates, resulting in high blood sugar levels shortly after eating them. If you have diabetes, it is wise to avoid white bread and pasta; instead, try whole-grain varieties which are more nutritious and will help keep your insulin levels stable.

4. Sweetened cereals

Cereals are a popular breakfast choice, but many of them are loaded with sugar. As mentioned earlier, all sugars will raise blood sugar levels, so it is best to avoid sweetened cereals if you have diabetes. Choose a healthy cereal that is low in sugar and high in fiber instead. Fiber helps to slow food digestion and control blood sugar levels. This class of cereals include oatmeal, shredded wheat, and bran flakes.

Your food intake is one of the best ways to control diabetes. If you have this condition or are at risk of developing it, it is best to avoid the above four foods. By sticking to a balanced and nutritious food plan, you can maintain healthy blood glucose levels and keep type 1 and 2 diabetes in check.