4 Common Breakfast Foods To Avoid For Type 2 Diabetes

4 Common Breakfast Foods To Avoid For Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body metabolizes food. With type 2 diabetes, the body isn’t able to regulate and utilize blood sugar (or glucose) effectively. In addition to doctor prescribed medications (i.e., insulin), healthcare professionals often recommend that patients follow a healthy, sugar-free diet and exercise regularly.

Read on for some common breakfast foods that are best avoided by diabetic patients:

1. Fruit on the bottom yogurt

Fruit on the bottom yogurt is a prime example of how food manufacturers are misinterpreting what healthy means. A single cup of this product contains over 30 grams of carbohydrates! The source of these carbs is high fructose corn syrup, which is a common ingredient with foods marketed as “healthy.” Fruit snacks, fruit-flavoured yogurt and low-fat fruit yogurt are also sources of hidden carbohydrates. These food products contain vitamin C from various forms of sugar, meaning that your blood glucose will rise after eating them. Although they might be healthful in some regards, they should be avoided by people with diabetes due to the carbs they contain.

2. Breakfast pastries

Many breakfast pastries (i.e., donuts, croissants, muffins, turnovers, etc.) are loaded with sugar. A single pastry can contain enough sugar to cause a blood glucose spike in someone with diabetes. Based on the latest research, the American Diabetes Association now cautions people with diabetes against drinking fruit juice and eating pastries that have little nutritional value. Pastries are high in carbohydrates, which is the main culprit behind insulin resistance. For this reason, they are better left out of your diet if you suffer from insulin resistance or diabetes.

3. Bagels

Starchy bagels are a large source of carbohydrates. They are often made with white flour, which is refined and very high in carbohydrates. Bagel sandwiches can also contain additional sugar due to the toppings you add to it. White bread, white rice, and muffins are other foods high in carbs, so they should be eliminated from your diet. Sticking with the bagel theme, it’s not a good idea to eat sandwich spreads such as mayonnaise or peanut butter. If you must have a breakfast sandwich with a bagel, then you should select low sugar breakfast meats to eat on the sandwich. It might be best to choose those made with turkey or chicken as you would avoid ingesting foods that cause insulin resistance.

4. Sugary cereals

The American Diabetes Association recently released a statement warning people about the high sugar content of many breakfast cereals. The following cereals should be avoided by people with diabetes who want to control their blood glucose levels. They include Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Kix Oatmeal Cereal, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Trix Cereal, and Grape-Nuts Flakes.

In conclusion, type 2 diabetes is a rising problem in the United States. The American Diabetes Association recommends eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to aid in blood glucose management. However, they warn that for those with diabetes, some fruits have too high levels of fructose and should be avoided. In general, a diet rich in vegetables and whole grains will prove very successful in controlling blood glucose levels.